There are 5 Bulldog Clubs in New Zealand who jointly have well over 150 years’ experience with the British Bulldog and French Bulldog breeds. Breeds themselves that have been in existence for centuries and are owned and loved by thousands of families in New Zealand.
In 2017 the 5 clubs united to work together and established the Bulldog Club Combined Taskforce in August 2017. Members include Bulldog Club Presidents, Committee members and those with a specific interest or skill. The purpose of the Taskforce is to be an advocate for British Bulldog and French Bulldog breeds, the clubs and their members.
We have and are responding to the often negative statements made in the public and media about our breeds. We know that there are many happy healthy British and French Bulldogs living long and happy lives with their families in New Zealand. We try to be a voice of reason and to promote what is good about our breeds.
Since inception the Taskforce has been publicly promoting the health and welfare of the British and French bulldog. The Taskforce has been developing a range of health and education resources for our clubs, members and the public and Taskforce members have been speaking out and responding to comments and press about the British Bulldogs and French Bulldogs in New Zealand.
This website will provide you with information about the Taskforce and what we are doing. You will be able to access resources and ask questions.
Our Terms of Reference are to:
• Undertake a review of research relating to the health of French and British bulldogs and where relevant making recommendations for the development of further research to support the breeds
• Consider the range of methods used by international breed clubs and organisations to both reflect and publicise good health testing practices and to hold health information;
• Provide a formal response to the NAWAC opinion on selective breeding as it relates to these breeds.
• Advocate and develop products to support the education of the public about reputable breeding practices and the breed standard;
• Develop a common Code of Ethics for the French and Bulldog Breeds supported by the breed clubs;
• Consider methods for strengthening the integrity of the breed registers and specifically the placement of non-standard coloured French and British bulldogs onto those registers.
• Consider if any specific amendments or additions are required to the policies, rules or regulations of the NZKC as they relate to the French and British Bulldog breeds including the testing requirements for both breeds under the NZKC Accredited Breeder Scheme.
• Such other activities as are agreed under a final Terms of Reference agreed by the Breed Clubs.
We welcome support and interest in the work we are doing. If you would like to receive information from us please send your email details and we will add you to our distribution list. You can also fill in the form on this website. Any questions at all let us know.
Join the fight and raise your voice for our Bulldog and French bulldogs.

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